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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Say Hello to GitHub’s AI Chat Buddy for Solo Coders!

Big news for all you coding enthusiasts out there! GitHub, part of the Microsoft family, is sharing its AI coding buddy with even more folks. Remember the Copilot Chat tool they introduced for businesses a few months ago? Well, as of Wednesday, it’s not just for the big teams anymore. Solo coders using Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code can join the public beta fun.

So, what’s the big deal with Copilot Chat? Imagine having a chatty AI sidekick while you’re diving deep into code. Whether you’re picking up a new coding language, scratching your head over a pesky bug, or have a quick coding question, Copilot Chat’s got your back. And the best part? You can chat away and get all the help you need without leaving your coding environment. As GitHub gushed in their blog, it’s like having a friendly coding tutor in your IDE!

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