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Monday, July 8, 2024

Google’s AI Gives a Boost to Disease Gene Hunting!

Hold onto your hats, science buffs! Google’s DeepMind is making waves in the world of genetics. Using some nifty AI magic, they’ve managed to spot changes in our DNA that could lead to diseases. And guess what? They think they’ve nailed down 89% of the crucial mutations. This could mean faster diagnoses and a quicker path to finding better treatments.

A top scientist gave this a big thumbs up, calling it “a major leap forward.” Prof Ewan Birney, a big name at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, said this could be a game-changer for researchers trying to figure out which DNA bits might cause diseases.

For those needing a quick DNA 101: It’s the stuff all living things are made of. Think of it as a string of letters – A, C, G, and T. These letters have a particular order, and when they’re read correctly, they help build all the parts of our bodies. But if there’s a mix-up in the order, it can lead to diseases.

Last year, DeepMind’s AI was like a detective, figuring out the shapes of almost all human proteins. Their new tool, named AlphaMissense, is like a proofreader. It checks if the DNA letters will make the correct protein shapes. If something looks off, it gets flagged as a potential troublemaker.

Before this, scientists hunting for disease-causing DNA bits were in the dark, only sure about 0.1% of DNA letter changes. But DeepMind’s Pushmeet Kohli says their new tool has bumped that number to 89%. That’s huge! Instead of sifting through billions of DNA bits, researchers can zoom in on the ones that matter.

This shiny new tool got a test run by Genomics England, who work hand-in-hand with the NHS. Dr Ellen Thomas from Genomics England is super excited, saying the health service is set to be one of the first big winners from this breakthrough.

She shared, “This tool is like a fresh pair of eyes on our data. It will help our medical experts better understand genetic info, which is fantastic news for patients and their care teams.”

Prof Birney is all in on AI’s potential in biology. He believes it’s shaking things up in a big way. “It’s transforming almost everything we do right now,” he added.

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