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ZeroRISC Secures $5M: Advancing OpenTitan Cloud Security

ZeroRISC, a Boston-based startup, has made waves in the tech industry by securing a $5 million seed funding. This financial boost is set to propel their ambitious mission forward: the development and launch of the first commercial cloud security service for silicon chips, harnessing the innovative capabilities of the OpenTitan project.

The Funding Breakdown

ZeroRISC’s journey has officially begun, with a funding round spearheaded by Cambridge Angels, a renowned network of U.K. angel investors. Notably, the round saw contributions from private investors, including Rajat Malhotra of Wren Capital and Pete Hutton, the former Arm President of Product Groups.

OpenTitan and ZeroRISC’s Vision

OpenTitan, an open-source silicon root of trust (RoT) project, is at the heart of ZeroRISC’s innovation. Dominic Rizzo, the CEO, revealed in a chat with VentureBeat that the company has now joined the OpenTitan project’s ranks. ZeroRISC’s offerings are unique, providing cloud security services from fabrication to field. These services are intricately linked with the OpenTitan design, ensuring a seamless transition from initial configuration to in-field device management.

The Genesis of ZeroRISC

Founded in April 2023, ZeroRISC is the brainchild of the original OpenTitan project team members from Google. Following some strategic decisions by Google earlier this year, the team behind ZeroRISC found themselves at a crossroads. But, as Rizzo puts it, they saw an opportunity amidst the challenges. They completed the tape in July, with the chips set to return soon.

“We took that event as an opportunity. And we went out and did a fundraise the week that Silicon Valley Bank went sideways. So we did this raise in Cambridge in the UK,” Rizzo said.

OpenTitan: A Deep Dive

OpenTitan stands out as a collaborative open-source silicon RoT chip design project. Its design components lay the foundation for an open silicon ecosystem. This ecosystem promotes transparency, allowing anyone to inspect the hardware for potential vulnerabilities and contribute to its design. Rizzo emphasizes its open-source nature, ensuring no single company can monopolize it.

“This is 100% open-source oriented so no one company can dominate it,” Rizzo said. “It’s very much meant to be independent, trustworthy. Everything is visible. This project has been going for about five years and now it’s producing actual physical artifacts.”

Understanding the Root of Trust

The silicon RoT serves as the bedrock for all subsequent operations. Positioned securely below the operating system, the RoT verifies the authenticity of the silicon, its firmware, and the entire platform’s higher-level software. This foundational trust is crucial in a world where the operating system can be a significant attack vector.

ZeroRISC’s Commitment to Security

ZeroRISC’s implementations prioritize security. Their offerings are rooted in a silicon RoT that is inherently secure. The company’s overarching goal is to offer a cloud security service for silicon that champions transparency and trustworthiness. Their platform provides a holistic solution, covering silicon, software, and services, ensuring secure device management.

Collaborations and Partnerships

ZeroRISC is not alone in its journey. They’re collaborating with several commercial integration partners, with Nuvoton leading the charge. As a member of the OpenTitan project, ZeroRISC has played a pivotal role in the initial discrete silicon tapeout and is actively bringing the first chip to commercial production.

“With cybersecurity liability shifting from end users to manufacturers, truly trustworthy security leveraging the OpenTitan drop-in design represents a massive commercial opportunity,” said Pete Hutton, ZeroRISC investor. “The team at ZeroRISC is unmatched and we immediately recognized its potential to significantly disrupt a highly proprietary industry. We look forward to supporting the team in realizing long-term success through commercial utility and broad adoption.”

The Road Ahead

With the fresh funding in its arsenal, ZeroRISC is setting its sights on open-source development. They’re gearing up to produce top-quality discrete and integrated RoTs from OpenTitan ecosystem components. Additionally, they’re working on a proprietary integration kit for the integrated RoT and a suite of cloud-based services.

Zero Trust Principles

Zero Trust principles revolve around the idea that trust isn’t given freely. OpenTitan takes this further, making the silicon layer open source, allowing end users to verify it. Nuvoton, a partner of ZeroRISC, sees immense potential in OpenTitan and is eager to collaborate with ZeroRISC to address complex security challenges.

ZeroRISC’s recent funding and ambitious vision for cloud security underscore the evolving landscape of silicon chip security. As they leverage the OpenTitan project’s capabilities, it’s evident that the future of cloud security is not just about software but also about ensuring the foundational hardware is secure and transparent. For those keen on tracking the latest in AI and tech trends, NeuralWit offers a treasure trove of insights.

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