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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Google’s Bard AI: A Choice to Opt Out of Unconsented Training Data Use

Google now offers web publishers the option to opt out of having their content used as training data for its Bard AI and future models. This move comes amidst growing concerns over the ethical implications of using web content without consent for training large language models. However, some argue that this option, presented as a means to contribute to improving AI models, is more about appearance than genuine ethical reform.

Large language models, the backbone of many AI systems, are typically trained on diverse datasets, often sourced without the knowledge or consent of the original content creators. Google now allows web publishers to prevent their content from being used to train its Bard AI and any subsequent models.

âžś Opting Out Made Simple

Web publishers can easily opt out by disallowing “User-Agent: Google-Extended” in their site’s robots.txt file, instructing web crawlers on the content they can access. This move responds to the growing demand for more control and choice over how content is used to develop generative AI.

âžś Ethical Development?

While Google asserts that its AI is developed ethically and inclusively, web content for AI training raises significant ethical questions. The company’s VP of Trust, Danielle Romain, emphasized the need for more excellent choice and control for web publishers in a blog post, highlighting the distinct ethical considerations involved in AI training compared to web indexing.

Danielle Romain, the VP of Trust at Google, addressed the concerns of web publishers in a blog post, emphasizing the company’s commitment to providing more control and choice to content creators over the use of their content for AI training.

“We’ve also heard from web publishers that they want greater choice and control over how their content is used for emerging generative AI use cases.”

âžś Framing the Narrative

Google’s narrative around this option is framed not as a matter of taking from web publishers but rather as an opportunity for them to contribute to improving AI models like Bard and Vertex AI generative APIs. This framing, focusing on consent and contribution, is seen by some as an attempt to mask the exploitation of web data and to portray Google as prioritizing clearance and ethical data collection.

Hot Take

Google’s introduction of an opt-out option is a step towards addressing the ethical concerns surrounding using unconsented web content for AI training. However, framing this option questions Google’s sincerity in prioritizing honest data collection and consent. It seems more about maintaining a façade of ethical conduct rather than a genuine attempt to reform data collection practices. The real question is whether this move is too little too late, given the vast amounts of data already exploited. For more insights and discussions on tech ethics and advancements, visit NeuralWit.

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