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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Intel’s New Leap: AI for Every CPU!

Guess what? Intel just dropped some exciting news at their third Intel Innovation bash! They’re trying to sprinkle some AI magic across all their tech spaces. Whether it’s your device, the edge of a network, or even those massive cloud servers, Intel’s got AI plans for them all.

Pat Gelsinger, the big boss at Intel, is super pumped about this. He believes AI is like opening a brand-new chapter in the tech storybook. Imagine a world where computers aren’t just tools but partners in making life better for all of us. It’s not just about the techy stuff; it’s about creating a world where developers can dream bigger, solve the trickiest of problems, and touch lives everywhere.

Pat gave us a sneak peek into Intel’s grand plan: embedding AI into their gadgets and making them user-friendly with excellent software. He also chatted about the “Siliconomy” – a fancy term for the booming economy powered by silicon chips and software.

And here’s the cherry on top: Intel’s recent performance results in AI are making waves! Especially their Gaudi2 accelerator is turning heads as the go-to gadget for AI tasks. Pat spilled the beans on a mega project, too – a colossal AI supercomputer powered entirely by Intel’s tech, with Stability AI as the primary user.

Alibaba Cloud’s tech guru, Zhou Jingren, shared some behind-the-scenes info. They’re using Intel’s 4th Gen Xeon processors with built-in AI boosts for their advanced AI projects. The result? A whopping 3x speed-up in response times. That’s like upgrading your old bicycle to a rocket!

And hold onto your hats because Intel teased their upcoming 5th Gen Xeon processors. They promise even zippier performance without guzzling more power. After their Sierra Forest debut, the next in line, Granite Rapids, is set to outdo its predecessor with up to 3x better AI prowess.

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