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Monday, July 1, 2024

Superfy: The App That’s Making Human-to-Human Advice Trendy Again!

Superfy is bringing back the human touch in a world dominated by AI chatbots. This unique app uses AI to connect users for real-time chats, offering genuine insights from real people on everything from fashion choices to movie recommendations.

➜ Superfy: Bridging the Gap Between Tech and Touch

While AI chatbots like ChatGPT have strengths, they sometimes miss the mark regarding personal advice or subjective opinions. Enter Superfy, a platform that feels like a turbocharged Quora but with the immediacy of live chat.

➜ The Visionaries Behind Superfy

Founded by Michal Tamir and Gil Schoenberg, who previously collaborated at the Israeli data analytics company Treato, Superfy was envisioned as a space where AI enhances human connection. Instead of turning to Google or a bot, Superfy users can engage in honest conversations with real people to get the answers they seek.

➜ The Magic Behind the Scenes

Superfy’s magic lies in its proprietary AI technology, Matchpoint AI. Built atop open-source LLMs, this system matches users based on various factors, ensuring that the person you’re chatting with best fits your question. So, if you’re torn between buying an Ibanez or a Gibson guitar, Superfy will connect you with a fellow music enthusiast to guide you.

➜ A Refreshing User Experience

Superfy stands out with its emphasis on genuine human connection. While platforms like Quora and Reddit rely on a minority of users to generate content, a staggering 85% of Superfy users actively engage in the app. This high engagement stems from its chat-like interface, precise AI matching, and the authenticity of human interaction.

➜ Impressive By The Numbers

With only a year since its launch, Superfy boasts 550,000 registered users and 85,000 monthly active users. Most of its audience hails from the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., with Gen Z leading the charge. The founders believe that Superfy fills a void left by platforms like TikTok and Instagram, offering a space for genuine connection and discussion.

➜ Looking Ahead

Despite challenges in Tel Aviv, the Superfy team remains committed to its vision. They’re backed by $5 million in funding and are gearing up for a post-seed round. With its unique proposition and growing user base, Superfy is poised to redefine how we seek advice online.

In an age where AI seems to be taking over, Superfy reminds us of the irreplaceable value of human connection. It’s not just about getting answers; it’s about the journey of connecting, discussing, and discovering. And if you’re curious about the latest tech trends, don’t forget to check out NeuralWit for more insights!

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