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SurveyMonkey AI Unveils ‘Build with AI’ for Modern Surveys

SurveyMonkey AI is ushering in a transformative phase in online survey tools. With the introduction of its latest feature, “Build with AI,” the company aims to leverage artificial intelligence to redefine the survey creation process. This innovation promises to make the process faster and more intuitive, positioning SurveyMonkey as a leader in the evolving landscape of AI-integrated business tools.

➜ SurveyMonkey AI: Driven Evolution

SurveyMonkey, based in San Mateo, Calif., is not just adding another feature to its platform. With “Build with AI,” the company integrates AI technology to generate surveys based on user-defined goals and target audiences autonomously. This innovation aims to drastically reduce the time it takes to craft tailored polls and questionnaires.

“The beauty of our tool is its broad applicability. One of our best selling points is the speed to insight. You can purchase the product and be up and running within minutes or hours, sending surveys out swiftly.” – Eric Johnson, SurveyMonkey CEO

âžœ Harnessing OpenAI’s GPT-3 for Survey Creation

SurveyMonkey’s new tool isn’t a standalone innovation. It’s built upon OpenAI’s GPT-3, a cutting-edge large language model. This integration continues SurveyMonkey’s strategy to infuse more AI into its two-decade-old platform, following other AI-centric features that offer survey result analysis and recommendations.

➜ Democratizing Data Analysis with AI

Johnson emphasizes the transformative potential of AI in data analysis. Currently, high-level analysis often demands a team of specialized experts. But with advancements like “Build with AI,” this landscape might look vastly different in a few years.

“Today, advanced-level analysis requires a team of PhDs. That could change dramatically in two to five years. We can now offer tools and services that were beyond our imagination just five years ago.” – Eric Johnson

➜ Blending Legacy with Innovation

With nearly 25 years dedicated to data collection, SurveyMonkey has established itself as a stalwart in the industry. Their enduring success can be attributed to a consistent ability to adapt to ever-changing market dynamics and evolving user preferences.

The recent “Build with AI” launch is a shining example of this adaptability. This feature seamlessly merges SurveyMonkey’s extensive data experience with cutting-edge AI technology, showcasing their commitment to innovation and staying ahead of the curve.

“We have this almost 25-year-old business with a wealth of data specific to our use case. Now, we can harness this new technology, aligning perfectly with our platform’s evolution.” – Eric Johnson

➜ Leading the Digital Transformation in Surveys

The “Build with AI” feature represents more than an upgrade to SurveyMonkey’s platform. This innovative tool positions the company at the forefront of the industry’s digital transformation, highlighting its commitment to harnessing the latest technologies for enhanced user experience.

This feature paints a picture of a future where AI becomes indispensable to survey design and data interpretation. Such advancements indicate a paradigm shift, signaling a transformative approach to how businesses craft and utilize surveys.

➜ A Glimpse into the Future of Enterprise Data

SurveyMonkey’s move mirrors a broader trend in enterprise data. AI is steadily becoming a cornerstone of business operations, democratizing advanced analysis for a wider audience. This initiative by SurveyMonkey underscores the growing influence of AI in optimizing business processes and making advanced data tools accessible to all.

SurveyMonkey’s “Build with AI” is more than just a feature—it’s a vision of the future of survey design. By seamlessly integrating AI, the company is enhancing its platform and leading the charge in the industry’s digital transformation.

As businesses seek efficient and intuitive tools, AI-driven solutions like this will be at the forefront, shaping the future of data collection and analysis. For those keen on understanding the broader implications of AI in various sectors, NeuralWit offers a comprehensive look into the world of AI.

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