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Monday, July 1, 2024

Upcycling Machine: Revolutionizing Battery Salvage

In a world increasingly reliant on batteries, their end-of-life management has become a critical environmental and economic concern. Circu Li-ion, a pioneering startup, has introduced an intelligent upcycling machine that promises to identify and save reusable battery cells, potentially revolutionizing the recycling industry.

➜ A Diagnostic Marvel

Antoine Welter, the co-founder and CEO of Circu Li-ion, is confident about the capabilities of their upcycling machine. In a recent conversation with TechCrunch, he highlighted the machine’s ability to diagnose batteries swiftly. “We can instantly discern which cell is reusable and which isn’t,” Welter remarked.

➜ The Process: Beyond Shredding

Traditionally, recyclers have resorted to shredding cells into a ‘black mass,’ followed by metal recovery through smelting or leaching. This method often results in the loss of numerous valuable components. Circu Li-ion’s innovative approach is different. Their machine, powered by AI and an ever-expanding “battery library,” identifies batteries based on their appearance. It then meticulously separates the cells from other components like plastic housings and PVC boards. These cells are repurposed for various applications or sent to recycling facilities depending on their health.

➜ The Potential of Reusable Cells

Cells in prime condition might find their way into mobility applications. Those in moderate health could be repurposed for renewable energy storage. Only the genuinely degraded cells are sent for recycling. Welter emphasized the potential of this approach, stating, “Over 80% of cells in an end-of-life battery are still usable.”

➜ The Science Behind the Diagnosis

While Welter remained somewhat reserved about the intricate details of the diagnostic process, he shed light on using Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) testing. “We gather over 25 data points per cell through EIS testing. Based on this data, we can ascertain the health of a cell with a precision of 1.2%,” explained Welter. He likened the process to reading the rings of a tree, where different patterns can reveal the cell’s condition.

➜ Business Model and Future Plans

Circu Li-ion offers its machines and software to manufacturers and recyclers, charging them for the service. Additionally, they operate a facility in Karlsruhe, Germany, dedicated to battery disassembly. The startup recently secured significant funding, amounting to approximately $9 million, which will be channeled toward scaling its machine-as-a-service business model. They also have ambitious plans to establish the “world’s largest” database on battery recycling.

As the world grapples with the challenges of electronic waste, innovations like Circu Li-ion’s smart upcycling machine offer hope. We’re taking a step toward a more sustainable and economically efficient future by ensuring that valuable battery cells are not prematurely discarded. It’s not just about recycling but smart upcycling, and Circu Li-ion is leading the charge.

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